What a powerful read to start the year with. 🔥

And to think I got to watch the magic happen firsthand... SO NEAT.

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You get to see the magic, and the weirdness. Lucky you! ❤️

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I love this post so much!

"The more completely you understand a place and are able to imagine yourself there, the more powerful your visualization will be."

That quote really captures what I'm trying to teach people with Run Ready. :) Incidentally, I recently wrote about my struggles with elevation profiles and why I shifted to grade visualizations.

If you'd be willing, I'd love your thoughts/feedback on the grade visualizations I'm using in my course guides: https://runready.substack.com/p/the-2025-louisiana-marathon?r=ga6oh

Thanks for the great work!

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Thanks for reading! I checked out your course guides and think they're great. The bite-sized information will be easy to recall. I also like the tilted maps, and it makes me think something like this would be very useful for hilly courses as well.

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