"... you know the ritual: Warmup, wild hair, old book, let’s get it on." ❤️

Love the ritual, love the recap, and more than anything, love YOU.

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A lifetime of race mornings to come. This is gonna be fun ❤️

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With your running spirit, I think you'll be up and running as soon as your off-season week is over! And we'll be reading about your next PR :) Probably a super dumb/amateur question but why the need for measuring the distance manually, why not just look at your Garmin/running watch?

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Thanks for the encouragement. Not a dumb question at all... Watches are getting more and more accurate! But manual is still the most precise, and not all that expensive or time consuming to implement: https://www.usatf.org/resources/course-certification/certification-procedures/measuring-and-mapping-resources || If I was measuring, I'd use both. This particular 10k used an online mapping tool, and that's an "estimate" at best. In any case, onward we go!

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Great insight! Thanks. My regular runs always have the same course, so it helps.

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I think you're not as old as you think you are, and plenty of PBs to come.Dont rush the process!

At 50 my running started to go south and it's easy to fall in the trap of thinking of we'll just enjoy the ageing process, but a funny thing happened, at 54 I fought back to run sub 20, 5km, at 55 I got sub 19 and a few weeks ago, just after turning 57, I ran 17:59 and I really believe I have more. I think a lot is mindset and racing a lot rather than doing just easy miles.Go well young man!

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Appreciate that reminder. Routines > Goals all day long. Love hearing about your later successes, because in my heart of hearts, I know I'm just getting started. Cheers!

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