Happy Fourth, friends. It’s a good day to reflect on what freedom means. I made a short video with my take on the topic (plus the coolest thing you can do with a single firecracker). Check out that video, a few things worth sharing from June, and my best bits of advice for running in bear country… All below. 🗽
Run Lightly,
Information Nutrition
Brand consultancy Concept Bureau writes about all kinds of fascinating cultural phenomena on its blog, usually in the context of marketing strategy. Agency CSO Jean-Louis Rawlence put together this thought-provoking piece on mindful information consumption. Worth digesting as we enter a contentious election season information environment.
When we think about information diets we might fixate on the quantity of information but ignore the quality and the processing of it. That’s like only looking at calories to determine if a diet is healthy. We need to have a higher-fidelity picture of the information we consume – our entire perception of reality relies upon it.
Nutrition Nutrition
May’s Curated: Issue 1 asked us to consider The Sublime Clarity of goo. In June, Outside Magazine contributor Mallory Arnold gave a different perspective, sharing what happened when she gave up her beloved energy gels for a month of long runs. Personally, I’d be willing to give dates a go, mostly because Lisa’s treat recipe turned me on to nature’s candy. I’ve also tried PB&J sammiches and hummus-and-olives rolled up in a flour tortilla.* What about you?
I packed five different snacks on my longer runs, ranging from 10-16 miles, and ranked which ones worked the best for me and which ran me into the ground.
Read: I Replaced Running Gels with Real Food
*Bonus tip: If it’s hot outside, or the food will be sitting in a backpack or race drop bag for a while, consider freezing or partially freezing it.
On Freedom (From Fear)
A year ago, I made this short Instagram reel about what freedom means to me, and why December 3, 2020 is my personal Independence Day. Be sure to watch to the end for the hundred-percent, hands-down, no-questions, coolest thing you can do with a single firecracker. Have fun and be safe out there. 💥